... of the entire body recover and prepare for the challenge that is jumping rope.
If you only just remembered to do this drill when we were working on your feet, it probably won’t be long before you can add this exercise into your warm-up regimen.
First, check your alignment. Does every shoulder, ankle, hip flex and knee extension meet its end point? If they do, then bend your knees and reach down towards the ground, grabbing the mat. Pull your feet together and stretch your neck, keeping your head in a slight forward extension. It is crucial to focus through your head and neck, not to your shoulder.
CALF RAISES will have you achieving the perfect amount of difficulty depending on one’s ability level. One of the most important and best exercises for supporting recovery and preparing for jumping rope is the calf raise machine. A calf raise machine also has the added benefit of being easy to use. If you’re new to calf raises, this workout will ensure that you achieve the perfect challenge for you, and that you get the most out of your jump rope training.