... work up a sweat, and get in some high reps to make your body stronger and more powerful.
The key to really working these types of movements is to use a very small kettlebell so that the movements are efficient and easy to apply. With that said, I've got a few simple tips that will ensure that you have a great experience and produce long lasting benefits in the end.
Kettlebell swings have a simple formula and are fairly simple to learn. You have the basic movements; swings, presses and snatches. The only things you need to learn is to set the starting weight and the time you are going to complete each set. Once you do all that, you will know that by just practicing these basic movements you will be able to get a great amount of strength in the end. Swinging This is a good video I made about the swinging technique. Press This is a great video about the presses/snatches. Snatches Here is one about the snatches.
The only way to really get the most out of a kettlebell is to have the right kettlebell. You need a heavy kettlebell that is one or two pounds lighter than your 1 rep max. But when you start practicing with a kettlebell, your focus should be on learning and improving your techniques.