Add in some simple jumping rope work and you have the building blocks for a powerful body and an athletic mind.
In this workout, each bodypart is worked twice in one day, including two supersets for a total of five rounds, with a rest period in between. This is a great way to get your body used to the idea of working two bodyparts in one day, in case you decide to combine two days of exercises. Perform the exercises in the order listed and in a circuit fashion, moving quickly from exercise to exercise. The circuit format makes the movements really fun to perform, making the movements a total body activity. As a bonus, the circuit format can be very effective for beginners to get a full-body workout in a short period of time, and it provides a perfect opportunity for you to assess your new progress.

We're going to be making a lot of big movements and fast footwork in a short time and you want to be fresh and flexible to get through it. This workout combines the fast-paced style of the Powerhouse with the more traditional, progressive method of muscle building. In essence, you will go back and forth between the two types of workouts. In other words, each session will look something like this: Powerhouse moves. Perform the "Powerhouse" routines for 20 repetitions of the selected exercises. Bodybuilding moves. Perform a classic bodybuilding workout of selected exercises. Perform the chosen muscle group and exercise one time. You may do this with one body part or two to start, then build your own routines.
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Let's go back and forth to start: Powerhouse: Perform the Powerhouse exercises for 20 reps of the selected exercise. Do you notice the difference? The Powerhouse workouts involve lots of explosive movements and very high speeds. For example, when you perform the burpees, you jump into the air from a dead stop, touching your hands to your knees and feet together in the air, and then immediately jump up with your feet in a horizontal jump position. Next, use the time during your burpees to perform a couple of double unders with your training jump rope. Rinse and Repeat!